Yep that movie that came out in 2007.
thanks to the site that loaded the videos pretty quickly, I managed to finish it at 1:30am or something. Which gave me a TERRIBLE headache in the morning. I need the choir scores, ugh.
Anyway, the movie was... cheesy and illogical.
Don't hate it, don't like it.
Read some movie Review about Koizora (click) that sums it up quite well but in a really critical manner. (I mean extremely) Okay, it is kinda rude (and offensive to that Japanese) but the points.. VERY AGREEABLE.
The comment for the review made by Sylphie contains EVERYTHING I wanted to say, whoever she is. Ctrl + F it!
Another comment by YOUR MOTHER makes me go ROFLMAO. The HEATTTEEED arguments from the comments really cracked me up because the fans got all angry and defensive and started scolding the person who wrote the review o_O
Here's another pretty good review of it.Yes, the opinions part. Sadly, even though I cry very easily while watching dramas, I didn't cry a single bit in this movie.... so yeah.
Well. The movie portrays the "punkish kid" Hiro as a really nice and sensitive and caring guy, I guess we can all be accepting people, and silver hair ain't all that bad. Kinda nice to see something like that, I think.
Back to it being mushy. The repetitive "I WILL PROTECT YOU NO MATTER WHAT" irks me. Oh, and PLEASE don't say "of course!!" when a girl asks "can I trust you?"!
The romantic scenes were sweet, I have to say. Although they did it in the library (that got her pregnant), the director made it seem so romantic and that nothing was wrong. For a moment the scene that came with nice music and great representations like that tie he took off her made me think "okay, so it isn't that bad afterall", but hey it IS wrong afterall.
I guess that explains the casual relationships Japanese students have now, they're all over the movies anyway. Problem is that they're students not adults. FRIENDS is entertaining in its own funny way!
Its also REALLY predictable about what's gonna happen, cause nice guys don't just break up with girls like that. Turns out he had cancer and he doesn't want her to suffer too... the usual stuff. There were some really sad scenes, but I'm sure we can easily find scenes like that.

Oh Aragaki yui is seriously so pretty. Look at her eyes when Hiro was kissing her for the first time!

not this one, I couldn't find THE one with the camera focusing on her eyes.

I prefer Miura Haruma in Juyon sai no haha ^, but the hair in koizora is still pretty cool imo. I guess having a goodlooking guy like him in koizora makes up for the horrible storyline.
Anyway, I still don't like chick flicks.
Some scenes really make you go "awwh" but the storyline's too... -__-. And mushy statements make me flinch D:
I like more real life and touching stories not so heavily based on romance. Go watch 14 sai no haha (click to watch), it involves teenage pregnancy too and that drama is incredibly touching.

That's Miki telling the class about her pregnancy

Doesn't this remind anybody of Rukia from bleach?
Shida Mirai's a very talented actress who's a year younger than me!

More of Miura Haruma in Juyon sai no haha
Thrillers are also great as hell, this is my hundreth time saying this, watch Sora Kara furu ichioku no hoshi (click to watch) if you can!
Byebye I'm gonna read some unromantic GEO FACTSHEETS.
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